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광주광역시창의융합교육원 원어민화상영어교육센터


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체험프로그램을 담당해 주실 원어민 강사를 소개합니다.

  • Chantel Johnson 사진 Chantel Johnson Nationality : American A wise woman once said that learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but also learning another way to think about things. As an educator with ten years’ experience (four years in Korea) I look forward to helping students discover their passion for language learning. Language not only offers a practical means of communication, it also offers a window to different cultures and customs. I hope to share a bit of my culture along with vocabulary and phrases that can be applied in real-world situations.
  • Megan Kavanagh 사진 Megan Kavanagh Nationality : British My teaching philosophy is to create a supportive environment that encourages creativity with language. By making language fun, we encourage students to learn more. Not everyone speaks the same language the same way, so I believe that exposure to different dialects and cultures is an important aspect when studying English.
  • Olivia Zeh 사진 Olivia Zeh Nationality : American In a progressively globalizing society, learning a new language allows you to make deeper interpersonal connections and experience new cultures and perspectives. As someone who has studied various languages, I have firsthand experience and insight on the different aspects and challenges of learning a new language. I have a love and passion for teaching and studying language, and I hope that I can inspire students to want to learn not only English, but to be curious and interested in the ever-changing, diverse world that they live in.